A Plateau

“When you find yourself on a plateau, look for another level” -Nido R. Qubein

I feel as if I am in a good place now.

As the week passed, I found myself not only reaching the goals that I wanted to achieve but starting to think of what I wanted to do next. It is a nice place to be.

The success of my little Treasure Boxes has been more than I could have wished for. They have seemed to go over well and I think I may have found a good formula for me to create designs that make things pleasing, economical, and fun for everyone. I couldn’t be happier.

I finished packing and shipping the orders that I had accumulated with my boxes, as well as my other regular orders that had come in. I was even able to pack another few extra boxes so that when they are ordered in the future, all I needed to do was add a label and send it on its way. It gives me a chance to breathe.

Once the orders were complete, I took some time to reorganize things here in my workplace and at home. The past few weeks have been so busy that I haven’t had a lot of time to cook or do a lot of the other things that I enjoy doing and I wanted to catch up. It was a good week.

I made some soft caramel candies with pecans (for my sweet tooth) and I had to use some lemons so I made a lemon pound cake. I like my little bit of sweets with my afternoon tea and I must say that I am spoiled in liking my own baking much better than store-bought goods. I think that is good because I don’t often over-indulge and when I don’t have time to bake I tend to do without. I feel that sometimes things just aren’t worth the calories.

For the most part, I am a ‘quality over quantity’ type of person. I would rather have something exceptional less often or in a smaller portion than more of something mediocre. But that is just my way. I tend to savor every bite and enjoy it to the fullest, as I find it frustrating to be eating while distracted and then discover the empty plate in front of me without having thought about what I just ate. I feel that going through the motions is unsatisfying and a waste of calories. But that is just me.

So after I got on top of things and got things in order, I was able to take the time to make a couple of new instructional videos for my YouTube channel. I was happy with how they came out and took less time than I thought it would. Could it be possible that I am getting the hang of this?

The first video shows how to use thin tissue paper or decorated napkins for decoupage on things.

This is something that I have always had difficulty achieving. There have been so many times when I tried to use some type of thinner paper to decoupage and I wound up with a wrinkled mess. But I think this method is a wonderful and easy way to do this. The result is easy and consistent.

The second video is regarding painting plaids using acrylic paint:

I have always enjoyed painting plaids. I think because of the control and symmetry in doing so. Besides that, you don’t have to be perfect to get a nice result. It really is a fun way to practice your painting strokes without too much stress.

I had created these Plaid Rocking Horse ornaments a few years back and they continue to be popular.

I had such a good time creating the different plaid designs and sharing them in the pattern. It makes a fun change from my usual style (whatever that is.)

So now that I am ‘caught up’, what next?

Since my “Ginger All The Way” Treasure Boxes are going to be available until the first of August, I still hope to sell some more. I created a “Treasure Box” group for my box customers on Facebook and I hope to do some more videos and maybe a ‘live’ one if I can manage a good timeframe for them. I would love to paint along with others and also answer questions as we are painting. But it is a hard thing to do because of the different time zones we are all in. In addition, I haven’t really done ‘lives’ before so I have to figure out the logistics of things. I have seen so many try them and fail that it kind of deters me from doing them myself.

I have spent the last few days just slow-pedaling and enjoying the ride. I will probably do that for the rest of the day today. But then, tomorrow, I have some orders to fill and I also want to keep on top of things, so I may make some additional pieces so that I can have them on hand for other projects.

I have also spent some time planning my “next” Treasure Box. Since this format was so popular, I wish to do something similar with another theme. I have already been starting to take notes and plan and I even bought some of the supplies that I will be using for the next box. I want to start drawing and painting in earnest to get things rolling in that direction. I think it ‘may’ be even better than this one. I hope so, anyway.

So that is about it for this week. I feel that I have reached somewhat of a plateau and just needed to take a little rest before continuing on. I have so many good ideas to implement and I am excited for all the possibilities that lie ahead of me. It feels good to be in such a good place.

I can’t close without thanking all of you who support me. Whether it be with purchasing my surfaces or patterns, joining my groups, or even just watching and ‘liking’ and sharing what I post here and on Facebook and YouTube. Your ‘likes’, ‘comments’, and general support are what keep me heading in a positive direction. You are all awesome.

I hope you all have a wonderful week ahead. Remember that no matter how busy you get to try to enjoy the good things around you. It is, after all, what most of us are working for, isn’t it?

Until next time…

2 Comments Add yours

  1. Sometimes being on the plateau is a great feeling.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Thanks, Andrew. It seems I seldom am at this place. Time to start on something else. 🙂


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