Working Weekend

“Happiness does not come from doing easy work but from the afterglow of satisfaction that comes after the achievement of a difficult task that demanded our best.” – Theodore Isaac Rubin

Today’s post will be short(ish!) and happy.

After weeks of work and months of planning, I am at the point where I am seeing the ‘idea’ in my head come to be. I cannot express the amount of excitement and satisfaction that I am feeling at the moment. It is wonderful.

This is especially true after the last six months or so when I have been feeling a bit ‘flat’ creative-wise. I was still doing a couple of cute things, but I had seemed to lose the excitement that goes along with creating something ‘special’ and my heart just didn’t feel like it should have when making a new design. I was beginning to get worried.

But I have seemed to find my way out of my muddle. With the help and encouragement from my creative friends (Vera – my ‘bestie’, Tracy Moreau, Kelly Hoernig, and Lindsay Weirich, to name the most prominent) I was able to figure things out and once again feel creative.

It wasn’t that any one of them literally ‘told me what to do.’ But each one, in their own way, played their role in helping me sort my thoughts and decide which direction to head. Ultimately, the final decisions were all mine, but hearing others’ points of view from their own perspectives helped me tremendously. I am so grateful and fortunate to have such a wonderful support system and thankful for each of them. The saying, “No (wo)man is an island.” comes to mind.

With that said my “Ginger All The Way” Treasure Boxes are shipping out TOMORROW!

For those of you who have not seen the project yet, here is a link to a quick promo video I made of the project a few weeks ago:

When I created the video, I had just finished painting the projects and still had to write the 16 pattern packets, figure out the packaging and logistics, and also figure out some of the extra treats that I am including in the box. I wanted to boxes to be packed with value and extra things that were not available to me otherwise. I think I have succeeded.

For those who may have missed it, the Treasure Box includes:

-15 Ginger Ornament Patterns with full-color progress photos
-15 Ginger Ornament Surfaces PLUS Bonus ornaments
-Bonus Pattern for decorating YOUR storage box, plaque, or any surface with FULL ALPHABET (Storage box NOT included)
-Six yards of Decorated Ribbon for hanging
-15 “2024” date charms
-15 Jump rings for hanging
-Instructional Videos
-Discount on re-ordering additional ornaments
FREE SHIPPING! (USA and Canada only!)

The “Surprises” part was probably the most fun, yet the most challenging. I wanted to offer some things that were fun and unique and could be enjoyed by everyone in lots of different ways. I think I was able to accomplish that. Most important, I had a grand time doing it!

I have also set up a Treasure Box Group on Facebook, in which I will be posting videos – some “live” and most pre-recorded – with techniques and fun ways to use the extra supplies that I have provided. Once you are a member of the group, you are in for good, whether you purchase subsequent boxes or not. I hope to make it a fun place to learn and share.

I need to mention my friend Vera again. She has really been an integral part of how this all came together. She listened to my ideas, made viable suggestions, and cheered me ahead on the days that I was overwhelmed and tired. I don’t know if I could have done this without her. (And we are planning the NEXT Treasure Box already!)

The first boxes shipped out earlier this week. Seeing them all come together has been thrilling, to say the least. After so much hard work and planning, actually holding a box in my hand filled with countless goodies was amazing. I just can’t wait to see how the recipients react to them. I am nervous and hopeful that they are as excited as I am.

And then came the task of cutting the pre-orders. Oddly enough, it was not what I would consider ‘hardship’ at all. I had lots of orders from when I first showed my box here on my blog a couple of weeks ago and I pulled out a good audiobook and headed up to my shop for several days to cut the pieces that would be included. I finished up yesterday.

(That is my ‘office manager’ Wolf Blitzer critiquing my work. He is also in charge of the Quality Control Department of my business. 😉

While I typically take Sunday to goof off after I write my posts here, I am just too excited to do that. I will be printing the thousands of pages of patterns and packaging up the boxes all day long I think. I want to see the first batch head to the post office tomorrow and ‘catch up’ with everything pre-ordered by Tuesday.

Wouldn’t that be amazing?

For those on the fence about ordering the boxes, I want everyone to be aware that they will only be available until August 1st or until I run out of the supplies that I stockpiled for them. (I may be able to get some additional supplies that I ordered for them, but no guarantee.) After that, the ornament surfaces and patterns will be available individually on my website, but they will cost a bit more and regular shipping charges will apply. You truly save a lot by getting this series altogether. I am happy that so many of you have taken advantage of the pre-order so far. It really helps me feel like this will be a great way to do these ‘series-types’ of designs, as it always pains me to see my followers pay so much for shipping individual patterns and ornaments.

So that is about it for today. I have 15,000 sheets of paper and several sets of printer ink bottles and my Epson printer will be humming along for most of the day. All the while I will be multi-tasking and packing up charms, ribbons, and other surprises for my boxes, with a good movie or audiobook in the background. It is going to be a great day.

When the boxes head out, I will begin filming the videos for my new group. I think that will be a lot of fun, too, as I have some good ideas for creative play and I can’t wait to share them. (The videos won’t be available on my YouTube channel until after August 1st either.)

It will be a busy week, which makes me happy. I love what I do and when I share it with you all and see your appreciation, it makes things even better.

Thank you all for your support.

Until next time…

10 Comments Add yours

  1. vesouther says:

    You have worked so hard! I can’t wait to see how much your Treasure Box adventurers love your collection of beautiful items! I can’t wait to see it myself!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I am sorry I missed your comment, Vera. WP must have glitched up! But you know already how much I appreciate you and thank you for your friendship and support over these past months (YEARS!) It sure maes it a lot of fun!


  2. Debbie says:

    can’t wait to receive my treasure box

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Debbie! The first batch should ship out Tuesday! 😀


  3. Love your idea! Hard word does payoff.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Andrew! It has been something I thought long and hard about. It is thrilling to see it coming to be and even more so to see the wonderful response! ❤ Have a great week!

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Caroline says:

    So excited for your box to arrive Sheila. I haven’t had time to paint since Christmas. Looking forward to being creative again. 💞

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Caroline! I looked for something that can be done without much difficulty, but fun and attractive. I hope I hit the ‘sweet spot’ here! 🙂


  5. celticscroller says:

    Looking forward to seeing the next treasure box you come up with Sheila. They are a great idea. I’m thinking of getting one to give my grand niece for Christmas as she loves to paint and learn new methods of painting.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi, Anna – I purposely made them so that even a beginning painter could have a go of it. I will be having several videos posted in the group I created for my fellow ‘Treasure Creators’, too. (The videos will be on my public YouTube later on when the individual patterns and pieces are released.) But for those who want several or the set, the box is really the best value. I tried to pack it with fun extras that won’t be available later. 🙂


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