Adventures Ahead!

“When in doubt, Follow the compass of adventure.” – Unknown

One Less “UFO”

“There are two fatal errors that keep great projects from coming to life: 1) Not starting, 2) Not finishing.” -Buddah Gautama


“You are being presented with a choice: Evolve or Remain”

– Creig Crippen

Hidden Treasure

Sometimes we find Hidden Treasures where we least expect them.


As we come to the end of July and begin our journey into the month of August, it (once again) makes me realize just how quickly time can pass. I have always looked at the coming of August as a time to enjoy a few last weeks of summer and begin preparing for the autumn…

More New Projects and Patterns

As we continue to settle into our new home, I find that I am more inspired than ever and I have not only been working on some new patterns for the website (as is Keith!), but also doing lots of ‘home-dec’ projects for myself to make the house we live in feel more like a…

Some Major Changes

The month of May really threw us for a loop. Just as we were rolling right along and I was getting back into the swing of things after not feeling so well for nearly two months, life threw us another curve ball. We needed to find a new place to live, as the landlord that…

Getting Ahead

After nearly two months of not feeling my best, I am happy to say that I am getting back to my normal, creative self. It seemed like the months of March and April were pretty much a blur to me, as I was down with one thing after another. Even though I was given meds…

The Process . . .

It is hard to believe we are heading into the third month of the year already. For many of you who don’t particularly like winter, these first two months probably feel as if they were crawling by.  While I do understand that winter months can be a hardship to many, for myself, they are filled…